
Showing posts from May, 2017

Sleepless Nights Could Pose Heart Risk Dangers

Less than 6 hours a night doubled chances of dying from heart disease, stroke, study suggests   Getting less than six hours of sleep a night may double the odds of dying from heart disease or stroke for people who already have risk factors for heart disease and diabetes, new research suggests. Known as metabolic syndrome, this cluster of risk factors can include high blood pressure, high levels of LDL ("bad") cholesterol, high blood sugar, obesity, high levels of blood fats known as triglycerides and low levels of HDL ("good") cholesterol. Someone with at least three of these conditions has metabolic syndrome. "It is possible that improving sleep in people with metabolic syndrome may lead to a better prognosis, which means not worsening into cardiovascular disease or stroke that could ultimately lead to early death," said study lead researcher Julio Fernandez-Mendoza. He is a sleep psychologist at the Sleep Research and Treatment Center at Penn Sta

Always remember to be happy because you never know who's falling in love with your smile

A blind man appeared in court on a murder charge for beating a young man to death.... The judge asked the blind man: What do you have to say in your defense? For I see you have chosen not to have a lawyer. The blind man replied: Well your Honor, I was walking down the road tapping my cane to guide me when I accidentally tap a young man's foot. The young man shouted in a loud voice, "Blind man if you hit me with that stick again you will see!" So I hit him and hit him and hit him, and up to this day I still can't see. The judge says: "Case dismissed. You're free to go" Daverose Hospital is open and affordable, offering quality daily medical care that’s accessible for practically everyone. Visit us here today@ Federal Housing Estate Road, Opposite Dr Anjorin Animashahun Memorial School Olomore Abeokuta. Clinic Hours: Monday – Sunday: 24hours Services Available Get in touch to discuss our Healthcare services: Email: daverosehospital@yah

Alcohol and Drug Problems - Topic Overview

The overuse or abuse of alcohol (alcoholism) or other drugs is called  substance abuse . It can cause or worsen many medical problems and can destroy families and lives. Alcohol Alcohol abuse causes over 100,000 deaths in the United States and Canada each year. It is the drug most commonly abused by children ages 12 to 17. Alcohol-related car crashes are the leading cause of death in teenagers. People who drink alcohol are more likely to engage in high-risk sexual behavior, have poor grades or job performance, use tobacco products, and experiment with illegal drugs. Alcohol and drug use may be an unconscious attempt at self-treatment for another problem, such as depression. You have an alcohol problem if your use of alcohol interferes with your health or daily living. You develop alcoholism if you physically or emotionally depend on alcohol to get you through your day. Long-term heavy drinking damages the liver, nervous system, heart, and brain. It can lead to high blood pr

What is Measles?

The measles virus lives in the mucus of your nose and throat. It’s spread through the air and by coming into direct contact with someone who has it. The virus can stay active on surfaces and in the air for up to 2 hours. It’s very contagious. If you haven’t been vaccinated and are in a room with someone who has measles, you have a 90% chance of getting it. Part of what makes measles so dangerous is that you can be contagious 4 days before you get the telltale rash. So you could easily spread the virus without knowing you have it. You’ll continue to be contagious 4 days after the rash goes away. Measles Symptoms A high fever is normally the first sign of measles. It usually starts 10 to 12 days after you were exposed to the virus. The fever will last 4 to 7 days. During that time, you might develop the following symptoms: Runny nose Red eyes Sore throat Tiny white bumps in your mouth (doctors call these Koplik spots) Rash. It usually starts at the hairline and spreads

When Your Partner Is in Crisis: How to Help

It can be incredibly painful to see your partner in distress or caught in a pattern of self-destructive habits. Although it’s not within your control to fix the problem, you may be able to influence them to seek help for themselves. If you’re unsure how to encourage your partner to make a change or seek therapy, consider this approach. Empathize and show compassion:  Begin by letting them know you sense their pain and that their pain matters to you (whether or not you understand it). Explain that when they hurt, you hurt for them. Next, tell them you want them to be happier. Ask them to share their thoughts, and listen:  Encourage your partner to share more about their struggles. After they’ve expressed themselves, ask them how they think the situation could improve. If any of the ideas sound workable to you, discuss them. For instance, if your partner seems depressed and withdrawn, you might support them in spending more time with friends. If you don’t think their ideas seem w

What Is a Drug Recall?

Medicine is rigorously tested for safety and effectiveness before becoming available to the consumer. In the U.S., the FDA makes sure this happens. Once on the market, the FDA, along with the makers of the drug, continue to monitor the medicine for any unforeseen problems. Should an issue develop, or the safety of a medication come into question, a recall may be initiated. When Is a Drug Recall Announced? A drug recall occurs when a prescription or over-the-counter medicine is removed from the market because it is found to be either defective or potentially harmful. Sometimes, the makers of the drug will discover a problem with their drug and voluntarily recall it. Other times, the FDA will request that the medicine be recalled after receiving reports of problems from the public. Why Are Drugs Recalled? A number of factors can cause a drug to be recalled. A recall may be issued if a medicine: Is a health hazard.  Unfortunately, some health risks associated with certain me

Tips for Year-Round Heartburn Relief

What Does Heartburn Feel Like? Heartburn is caused by acid reflux when stomach acid splashes from the stomach up into the oesophagus. Heartburn triggers differ from person to person, but most people have similar heartburn symptoms. A burning feeling in the chest just behind the breastbone that occurs after eating and lasts a few minutes to several hours. Chest pain, especially after bending over, lying down, or eating. Remember, you should see your doctor right away for any unexplained chest pain. Don't assume it's heartburn until your doctor tells you it is. Burning in the throat or hot, sour, acidic or salty-tasting fluid at the back of the throat. Difficulty swallowing. Feeling of food "sticking" in the middle of the chest or throat. Heartburn may cause chronic cough, sore throat, or chronic hoarseness. Reporting these symptoms is usually all that is needed for your doctor to make the diagnosis of heartburn. However, your doctor may perform special